South Africa
Buffalo City, East London|26 Jan 20
"The Pain is temporary,
the memories will last the rest of your life."
John Collins
The Father of IronmanHow can we help you?
The best
medical support
Doctors, chiropractors,
physiotherapists &
massage therapists
For your convenience we have organised doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists. These qualified professionals will be available to you at the designated medical area at the Ironman expo and registration location.
Choose any of the listed services above to view and book your appointments.
Based on true care & passion
The medical team have been working with Ironman South Africa since the very beginning. These professionals have a passion for what they do and understand the physical needs of an athlete.
Experienced staff
These qualified professionals each run their own practices and have been involved with the Ironman South Africa team and its participating athletes for the last 14 years.
Book appointments online
We have teamed up with these passionate individuals to allow you to book an appointment with them online. Simply choose who you’d like to book and get the care you need.